I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 8 and in 2021 I will be a year 9. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Hurumanu 3 - Ways to Communicate - Sign and Morse
I want to to walk in a straight line without any senses.
I predict that I will fall over and making a fool of myself.
- Bucket
- Blind fold
- Cotton Wool
- Using a bling fold cover your eyes.
- place some cotton wool into your eyes carefully.
- Now place the bucket over top of your head to stop the touch of wind onto your face.
- Now before you walk off into a line spin 3 times in a circle to make you dizzy.
- Now your partner must place you into the right Detection
- STOP walking when you hear the whistle
- If your partner says stop you MUST STOP
- Do not walk into objects (buildings , People and trees)
- Also no cheating or you will be disquieted

Polynesian people - Hurumanu 1 - Navigation
Hey guys so in hurumanu 1 (who are we ) we were learning about how the Polynesian people navigated the pacific ocean.And here is my explaintion about how they did it.
How did the polynesian way finders navigate the pacific ocean? They used the Sun and moon ,
Clouds, Star and oceans.
They used the southern Cross which showed where south was and where they needed to go.
(if they were going south though). The North Star was a fixed point in the sky which obviously pointed to the north.
They may have also used the clouds as such they might of used the reflections from the cloud
that reflected onto the island.Or possibly they could of used their prior knowledge and thought that the ,maybe a big bunch of cloud could be over top of a mountainous Island.Or maybe they could tell their direction by the way the water hit the boat.
They knew that the birds are always near land as they had a 190km range of flight.
They also knew their flight pattern - which is when they fly back to land shore after doing something.So in other word birds were a big help for the polynesian wayfinders to find land.(they used the Pacific long-tailed Cuckoo)
In conclusion the polynesian had multiple ways to find new land. They used The north and south star which dedicated the south and north way. And the reflection from a big bunch of clouds over an island.They also used the Pacific long-tailed Cuckoo Bird which only had a flight range of 190km for shore. Where they followed the bird to shore. These are 3 ways the polyneian people navigated through the pacific Ocean.
Hurumanu 3 - Compass -
- One thing that affects a compass reading correctly
It all depend on if you get the exact right direction to where ether North, South , East or West is. It also depends of you get the line at the top of your compass is exactly underneath the North symbol.
- What can mess up a compass?
- 3 jobs that still use compasses
- Fronted/UI Software Engineer.
- Senior Full Stack Software Engineer.
- Full Stack Software Engineer.
- 3 sports that require a compass
- Ski Orienteering
- letter boxing
- underwater Orienteering
Friday, 21 August 2020
Term 3 - What I noticed about my feelings and emotions was - Week 5
I felt aggressive and annoyed because I was tired and bored.
I was optimistic because I got to hang out with my friends.
Monday, 17 August 2020
WW1 Memorial - Hururmanu 1 - Soldiers
WW1 Information
World War I (WW1) also known as the First World War, was a global war centred in Europe that began on 28th July 1914 and lasted until 11th November 1918. The war lasted exactly four years, three months and 14 days. Before World War II began in 1939, World War I was called the Great War, the World War or the War to End all Wars. 135 countries took part in World War I, and more than 15 million people died. See the fact file below for more information about World War I.
World War 1 was a military conflict lasting from 1914 to 1918 which involved nearly all the biggest powers of the world. It involved two opposing alliances – the Allies and the Central Powers. The countries of the Allies included Russia, France, British Empire, Italy, United States, Japan, Roumania, Serbia, Belgium, Greece, Portugal and Montenegro. The countries of the Central Powers included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria.
The WW1 facts listed on this page are amazing and very interesting when you consider that the events happened in very recent history.
WW1 - Amount of people killed
20 million
WW1 - Amount of people in the army
Provision and maintenance tells us that there were some 58,000 New Zealand 'casualties' of the First World War, out of around 98,000 servicemen, of whom around 16,000 died and 41,000 were 'wounded'.
Friday, 7 August 2020
Term 3 - Reflections - Week 3 - my feelings and emotions was: