ast week we wrote down what we did in the water cycle so here is my work
Title: Water Cycle Experiment
Purpose: To learn how a water cycle works and to understand
2 A4 ziplock bags
Blue food colouring
Double-sided tape
Baking soda
Get 2 zip lock bags.
And draw a drawing of preparation, condensation, and all the things that are in a water cycle.
And then pour water into a zip lock bag.
Then add blue food colouring (4 drops).
Then get double-sided tape and put it on the front of the drawing.
And stick it on a window for a few weeks.
Overall I think it is going to go well, I have not really looked at mine at all but I've looked at other peoples
work and it looks pretty good, some water has gone from some but not all.
The Water Cycle
Acid Water Cycle
Does it cycle?
| Yes | Yes |
Amount of Water
| 1 | 1 |
| 0 | 2 |
Key: Water and acidity amount: 0 = none
1 = small
2 = large