
Friday, 31 May 2019

Hurumanu - Mars

Home Chemistry: Mars

Aim: To learn about Mars exploration.

1. Rover facts 
2. Design, Draw and Make a Rover
3. Mars facts

1. Rover facts: 

What are the 5 parts for? 
Link: Rovers 5 parts
Fill in the table below.

The Mars Rover has six wheels and each of it has its own individual motor. The steering capability of the rover allows the rover to in spot, it turns a full 360 degrees. The four wheels steering also allows the rover to swerve and curve. 
Solar Panel
The rover requires electrical power to operate if there's no power the rover would not operate. The rover carries a radioisotope system, this power produces electricity. 
The super cam is located in the main head of the rover and it fires a laser at mineral targets that are beyond the reach of the rovers robotic arms. 
There is a total of 23 cameras on the rover, 9 of the cameras are for engineering, 7 of the cameras are sciences cameras and 7 of them are landing, descending and entry cameras. 
Shovel, rock pick,drill
These are called the sample handling, the rover will gather samples from the rocks and soil using its drill. The rover will then store the sample in tubes on the surface.

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Home Chemistry: Plants


Plants fall into two categories:

1. Evergreen
2. Deciduous

Image result for deciduous
Image result for evergreen

Find three examples of each:

1. Pine Tree 
2. Magnolia Tree 
3. Kauri 

1. Maple Trees 
2. Oak Tree
3.  Silver Birch 


Image result for simple leaf

Simple                                 Compound   

Activity: Choose a leaf and do a leaf rubbing. Once you have done the rubbing, cut it out and glue it on the tree.


Plant type: Deciduous / Evergreen
Leaf type: Simple / Compound
Photo of leaf:
Image result for is kawakawa evergreen
Credit: thisNZlife 
2. Maple tree 
Plant type: Deciduous / Evergreen
Leaf type: Simple / Compound
Photo of leaf:

Image result for Maple Tree leaves
Credit: Garden - LoveToKnow
3.  Oak Tree 
Plant type: Deciduous / Evergreen
Leaf type: Simple / Compound
Photo of leaf:
Image result for oak leaves
Credit: Dr Health Benefits 
4. Rowan Tree 
Plant type: Deciduous / Evergreen
Leaf type: Simple / Compound
Photo of leaf:
Image result for rowan leaves

5.  Kauri Tree 
Plant type: Deciduous / Evergreen
Leaf type: Simple / Compound
Photo of leaf:
Image result for Kauri leaves
Credit: Te Ara 


  1. Carnivorous plants
  2. Fruit trees
  3. NZ Native trees

Plant group:

Habitat: (Desert / beach / mountains / swamp / plains / forest) 

Climate ( 1. Hot / warm / cold, 2. Rainy / dry 3. Windy / still )


1. Carnivorous Plant: Pitcher Plant
Habitat: Forest 
Climate: 1. Hot/warm, 2. Dry, 3. Still 

Image result for Darlingtonia californica
Credit: eBay

2. Fruit Trees: Cherry Tree 
Habitat: Plains 
Climate: 1. Warm/hot 2. Rainy/Dry 3. Still 
Image result for cherry trees
Credit: Gardening Know How 
3.NZ Native Trees 
Habitat: Forest 
Climate: 1. Warm, 2. Rainy, 3. Still 
Image result for Kauri

Friday, 24 May 2019

Home Chemistry: What is that white powder?

Home Chemistry: What is that white powder?

Aim: To learn about the makeup of different white powders.

Image result for white powder in piles

There are a number of different white powders in our everyday life. Some of these are harmful and others are not. Test the four white powders listed to see which one has been found at the airport.

You will be given a small amount of 4 white powders on your cardboard. On the black cardboard using a magnifying glass look at the powders.
Look at them under your magnifying glass and record what you see. 

These are the four powders we will be using. Upload a photo of each powder. 

1.  Cornflour
2.  Baking Soda
3.  Salt
4.  Sugar 

Before you add the iodine, vinegar or water you will need to divide each powder into 3.


1.  Cardboard/Paper
2.  Magnifying Glass
3.  Pipette
4.  Sugar
5.  Salt
6.  Corn Flour
7. Baking Soda
8. Vinegar
9. Water

1. Gather, paper, magnifying glass and Pipette. 
2. Split the paper into four sides. 
3. Then add some sugar, salt, cornflour and baking soda to each side.
4. Then using iodine add three drops to each one. - Examine closely what happens to use a magnifying glass for each one. 
5. Then using a pipette suck up some vinegar and add three drops to each one. 
6. Again using the pipette add three drops of water to each one and look closely on what happens. 


Words to use: Absorbed, spread, frothed, fizzed, melted, blob,

Baking Soda
(small, medium large)
Large Large Medium Small 
(Strong, none)
NoneNone NoneStrong 
AbsorbedSpread slowly Dried, looks like ear wax, solidDried onto the grain
AbsorbedAbsorbed Dried Spread out on grain
AbsorbAbsorbFizz Up Rolled Off and Dried 

Write a conclusion about your findings. ( 4 plus sentences)
Use the Hexagon activity to give you some more ideas.

The sugar......
The Sugar is a white powder and has no smell. The grain is large and when
you add Iodine it absorbed it. When you added to water it absorbed it and when you add Vinegar it absorbed it. It also smelt very bad. 
The salt.....
The sugar is a white powder with no smell. The grains are quite large and if you add iodine it spread slowly and the colour disappeared lightly. If you add water it just absorbed it. When you add vinegar it slowly absorbed it. 
The Baking Soda......
The baking soda is a white powder and has no smell. It's grain's are medium sized. When you add iodine it dried up in and it looked it like ear wax. When you add water it dried. When you add vinegar it fizzed and dried after a few seconds. 
The cornflour.....
The cornflour is a white powder and has a strong smell. It has tiny grains. When you add iodine it dried into the grain. When you add water it spread out on the grain. Lastly, we added vinegar it rolled of the grain and dried. 

Do all the same experiments on the mystery white powder. What is it?

Baking Soda 

Crazy Crystals

Definition of solution
A liquid mixture, when something is dissolved into a liquid (eg: sugar in water) 

Definition of saturated
Having or holding as much as can be absorbed of something (when no more sugar or borax can be dissolved into the water)

In groups of three, you will make three different types of crystals and compare the results.

Image result for borax crystals

Ratio; 3 Tablespoons Borax per 1/2 cup water


5)pipe cleaners


Step 1: add water to a cup
Step 2: add borax
Step 3: mix the borax and water
Step 4: Get pipe cleaners
Step 5: Make pipe ckeaners into a star
Step 6: put the peg on the star and put it in the liquid

Sugar Crystals

Grow your own Sugar Crystals

Ratio: 1 cup sugar to 1/2 cup water


2) Water
3) String
4) stick
5) cup


Step 1: Add water to a cup
Step 2: Add the sugar to water
Step 3: Mix
Step 4: Add string to stick
Step 5: put string into liquid

Image result for how to make salt crystals

Ratio: 4 Tablespoons salt to 1/2 cup water


1) Salt
2) Water


Step 1: Add water in a cup
Step 2: Add salt
Step 3: Mix
Step 4: Add string on a stick
Step 5: Put the string in liquid


Describe your crystals in the table below.

Crystal Type
(Describe the shape)
(of individual crystals)
(Crumbly to Rock Hard)




Conclusion: I learnt that they are all different shapes and sizes, and they are all different I also learnt that they are really easy to make. But they didn't quite finish but when I researched that's what I found out.


How is salt formed
How is sugar formed
How are snowflakes made 

Explain how the following crystals are formed:

Image result for salt crystal

While the ocean is full of a lot of salt. mining of salt involves pumping water below the earth's surface to dissolve the salt and create a salt brine. This brine is then pumped to the surface and evaporated to create salt.  Most table salt is made this way.
Image result for sugarcrystal

Suger is made by sugar canes, It's processed and gets rid of all the bad stuff. You can also get sugar from sugarbeet. The sugar syrup gets boiled and then cooled.
Image result for snowflake crystal
It's when water drops down and the air is so cold it freezes and the hydrogen forms a different shape each time.