
Friday, 9 November 2018

For Health we have been learning about keeping yourself clean. The first thing we did was we watched a video about the importance of brushing your teeth. We had to create a slide of how to teach 5 year old's to brush their teeth. We had to have how long you had to brush it for and when to brush your teeth. The hardest thing I found was to make the brush move and make the bubbles. My next step is to make my slideshow easier to understand. One of my question that I have how can I improve my slideshow and how to create more advanced movement? Maybe next time I could get the brush  to talk instead of the people.  

Thursday, 1 November 2018

The Difference Between a Boss and Leader

The Difference Between a Boss and Leader

The Difference Between a Boss and Leader

In Life Education we are learning about Relationships and being with other people. We have done activities in the Life Education Bus, like watching a video about people being the same and it was good to know we learnt why it's good to be different, because you have different opinions, And we also did a personality test on what we are, and I was a Beaver, which is also an Alert Thinker.

We learnt the difference between a boss and a leader. We had to match up the sentence of a leader to the opposite of a boss.

Friday, 28 September 2018

How to do a great blog comment

this week we have been doing a animation for how to do a blog comment here is my slide 

Friday, 14 September 2018

Calendar Art

Calendar Art

For Calendar Art  we have learnt to blend colours with the paint.
I really enjoyed painting But I found it difficult to get crisp lines.
First we sketch an out line then stared to paint at the top and worked our way down. here is my Calendar Art .it may not be beautiful but I tried my best.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Hokey Pokey

In Mrs Jack's literacy we have been doing writing.
and I am doing a play and this is it.

Friday, 31 August 2018

sea turtle life cycle

This week Mrs jacks literacy class have been doing explaining writing.we are explaining the sea turtle life cycle.This is my writing explaining about sea turtle life cycle.

Title:How do turtles grow

Turtles are endangered Species that have been around for 150 million years .It takes  20 years for a turtle to become a breeding adult.

First a female turtle goes up high up on beach.She lays between 50-200 eggs.She digs a hole deep in the sand lays she eggs. Then covers the egg with sand. The eggs are white and they feel rubbery and lethery and they are the size of a ping pong ball.  After 6 weeks the eggs hatch.

After eating tiny fish and jellyfish for 4 years. They start to slowly ingrece thier size. But  they have to Because it is just like if they dont eat jellyfish or tiny fish.Because they can not eat plastic coz it bad for them.

They form into a dinner plate and then to a dinner table. When they are older and  are nearly an adult they will be collecting up food especially when it is winter.
When the turtles turn into adults they lay more eggs high up on a beach where it was born..

That was a sad journey of growing up as a turtle since they suffer from many threts and they have to risk it just to make it to an adults or just to survive.which means 90% of turtles die each year.

So lets look at the numbers using maths

1000 eggs are laid,
800 hatch,
400 make it to the warter,
200 get to adulthood,
20 survive breeding age that is without human interference,
2 survive breeding age with human interference.
Aone - Buddy cheked
It was a awesome story.
I liked how you did recap a sea turtles life cycle.
I think you need to work on more punctuation in your story but there is nothing else you need to work on. Otherwise it is good.